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Meet Dr. Nicole Karst

Meet Dr. Nicole Karst, Clinical Psychologist at Helyx Health Serving California

Dr. Nicole Karst is a clinical psychologist, nurse, and veteran. Dr. Karst’s 20+ years of professional experience range across the treatment continuum from inpatient psychiatric hospitalization to outpatient psychotherapy. For more information, contact us or request an appointment online. We serve patients across the state of California including locations in San Francisco, Palo Alto, and Orange, CA.

Dr. Nicole Karst, Clinical Psychologist at Helyx Health in San Francisco CA, Palo Alto CA and Orange CA
Dr. Nicole Karst
Clinical Psychologist
Dr. Nicole Karst, Clinical Psychologist at Helyx Health in San Francisco CA, Palo Alto CA and Orange CA
Dr. Nicole Karst
Clinical Psychologist

Table of Contents:

What is Dr. Nicole Karst’s professional background?
What is Dr. Karst’s primary treatment approach?
Is Dr. Nicole Karst accepting new patients?
What do patients say about Dr. Nicole Karst?
Can I book an appointment with Dr. Nicole Karst?

What is Dr. Nicole Karst’s professional background?

Dr. Nicole Karst is a clinical psychologist, nurse, and veteran. Dr. Karst’s 20+ years of professional experience range across the treatment continuum from inpatient psychiatric hospitalization to outpatient psychotherapy. She specializes in the treatment of traumatic stress (including PTSD nightmares), mood instability, obsessive thoughts, relationship problems, stress management, problematic substance use, disordered eating, and mind-body wellness.

What is Dr. Karst’s primary treatment approach?

Dr. Karst’s treatment approach is grounded in psychodynamic psychotherapy with assimilated cognitive behavioral therapies (CBT, ACT, and DBT), logotherapy, existentialism, bibliotherapy, Buddhist psychology, Imagery Rehearsal Therapy, and ecopsychology. She incorporates mindfulness meditation, guided imagery, and dream work and encourages time in nature to enhance the treatment experience. Dr. Karst enjoys seeing adults across the lifespan via video-medicine across the state of California.

Is Dr. Nicole Karst accepting new patients?

Yes, Dr. Nicole Karst is accepting new patients.

What do patients say about Dr. Nicole Karst?

Check out our patients’ reviews to know what they are saying about Dr. Nicole Karst.

Can I book an appointment with Dr. Nicole Karst?

Yes, you can book an online appointment with Dr. Nicole Karst.

Locations to Helyx Health Serving California

San Francisco, CA

  • 465 California St, Suite 660, San Francisco, CA 94104
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Palo Alto, CA

  • 518 Hamilton Avenue, Palo Alto, California 94301
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San Orange, CA

  • 500 North State College Blvd. Suite 1100 Orange, CA 92868
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Directions to Nearest Location