Depression Treatment Specialists in Palo Alto, Orange, and San Francisco, CA
If you are suffering from depression, then visit Helyx Health. Some common symptoms of depression include changes in sleep patterns, loss of appetite, energy level, concentration, and change in daily behavior. Dr. Britney Blair, and her team are experienced in treating depression. For more information on how Helyx Health can help, contact us or request an appointment online. We serve patients across the state of California including locations in San Francisco, Palo Alto, and Orange, CA.

Table of Contents:
What is depression?
When do you know depression is serious?
How does therapy help depression?
How does a therapist treat depression?
While we all feel sad, disconnected, and hopeless at some point throughout our lives, for some, these feelings are constant and pervasive and cause difficulties with day-to-day functioning. Depression is a severe mental illness that has to be treated with attention from a mental health specialists, such as a therapist. In mild cases, depression may go away on its own, such as when mourning the loss of a loved one, but moderate to severe cases often persist even without an identifiable cause.
Depression is a complex and varied condition that affects the way a person feels, thinks, and behaves. It can range from a single episode of feeling sad or “down” that goes away after a few days, to a long-lasting pattern of feeling sad, anxious, or hopeless almost every day. Every person who has depression will have unique experiences and disparate symptoms and will respond differently to treatment. This mental health condition affects the lives of millions of people and their loved ones. Fortunately, depression is treatable, although the most effective treatment differs from person to person according to their unique situation and the factors involved.
Depression is a serious condition that can negatively impede one’s quality of life; signs of depression may include:
• Insomnia or excessive sleeping
• Irritability
• Absence of enthusiasm for once-enjoyable activities
• Hopelessness
• Constant fear that something negative may occur
• Thoughts of death or suicide
• In very severe cases, psychotic symptoms (such as hallucinations or delusions)
• incapacity to do self-care tasks, such as eating, washing, or attending to obligations to family or the workplace
Therapy can help people living with depression in several ways; although everyone experiences depression differently, most people with depression respond well to therapy. Due to the complexity and differences in everyone’s experience, including memories, emotions, and traumas, there is no exact process with depression therapy. Rather, it is tailored to suit each person’s individual needs, which is a much more effective approach for treating depression.
Therapy can help pinpoint the exact cause of depression, such as workplace stress, the loss of a loved one, financial struggles, or relationship problems, as well as how long symptoms have been occurring. After determining the root cause of the depression, the patient will work with the therapist and discuss their struggles one-on-one.
Our therapists utilize several different methods, approaches, and therapies in the treatment of depression. They often provide coping strategies that suit the patient’s lifestyle and help them find closure to difficult moments from the past. Even if depression presents itself in the future, patients will be much better prepared to deal with these obstacles after working with a therapist. Therapists may use the following therapies:
• Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
• Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)
• Psychodynamic Therapy (PDT)
• Interpersonal Therapy (IT)
Several different therapies can be used to treat depression; the most effective type varies from one situation to the next and is dependent upon the various factors unique to each individual.
Depression is a debilitating condition, but the mental health professionals at Helyx Health can help. Our therapists can use a wide range of approaches to help you overcome your depression, so you can live a more fulfilling life. For more information, contact us or request an appointment online. We serve patients from San Francisco CA, Orange CA, Palo Alto CA, Menlo Park CA, Stanford CA, Santa Ana CA, Tustin CA, Oakland CA, Emeryville CA, and surrounding areas.

Additional Services You May Need

Additional Services You May Need
▸ Psychiatry
▸ Stress
▸ Depression
▸ Sleep
▸ Psychotherapy
▸ Burnout
▸ Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
▸ Couples Therapy
▸ Circadian Rhythm
▸ Insomnia
▸ Medication Management
▸ Mood Conditions
▸ Narcolepsy
▸ Parasomnia
▸ Relationship Counseling
▸ Sex Therapy
▸ Sleep Study
▸ Trauma
▸ Anxiety
▸ Family Counseling
▸ Telehealth
▸ Eating Disorders
▸ Neuropsychological Evaluations
▸ Autism Spectrum Condition
▸ Attention Treatment
▸ Psychological Evaluation
▸ Brain fog