Anxiety Specialists in Palo Alto, Orange, and San Francisco, CA
Do you struggle with anxiety? If your anxiety is severe and disruptive to your daily life, it may be indicative of an underlying mental health condition. Consult with the experienced team at Helyx Health to explore treatment options and strategies for managing your anxiety. For more information, contact us or schedule an appointment online today. We serve patients across the state of California including locations in Palo Alto, Orange, and San Francisco, CA.

Table of Contents:
What is an anxiety condition?
What are the symptoms of anxiety?
What is the difference between anxiety and an anxiety condition?
What are the types of anxiety conditions?
Every person experiences anxiety symptoms, but they are usually temporary and short-lived. The anxiety may, however, be outside the normal range when its cognitive, physical, and behavioral symptoms persist and are severe, causing distress to a person’s life to the point that it negatively impacts their ability to work study, socialize, or manage daily tasks.
There can be periods of anxiety or brief episodes of intense anxiety that appear for no apparent reason in people with anxiety challenges. As a result of their anxious feelings, they may avoid activities and daily routines that might cause them to feel this way. Some individuals may experience anxiousness that is so intense that they are terrified or immobilized.
A person suffering from an anxiety condition usually recognizes that their fears are excessive and irrational. Patients who come for treatment often say they know their fears are unreasonable but are unable to control them.
There is a wide range of anxiety conditions, and each is characterized by specific symptoms, primarily excessive worry disproportionate to the situation at hand. This can lead to stress, restlessness, irritability, fear, fatigue, and more. Patients with anxiety conditions will experience uncontrollable worry over the long-term and it may interfere with daily life.
It’s completely normal to feel anxious occasionally. There are many things that people worry about, such as their health, money, or families. A condition of anxiety involves more than temporary anxiety or fear.
When someone has an anxiety condition, their anxiety doesn’t go away and can worsen over time. A person’s symptoms can adversely affect their daily activities, including job performance, schoolwork, and relationships. When experienced by someone without a problem, anxiety is often an appropriate reaction to a stressful situation. An anxiety condition, on the other hand, is often intensified or irrational.
There is a long list of potential anxiety conditions but some of the most common categories include generalized anxiety disorder, agoraphobia, panic disorder, social anxiety disorder, and particular phobias.
Physical manifestations include anxiety, tenseness, or experiencing muscle tension, easily fatigued, difficulty concentrating, muscle tension, or difficulty sleeping may accompany this ongoing worry and tension. Many worries revolve around everyday tasks such as job responsibilities, family health, or minor issues like chores, car repairs, and appointments.
The core symptom of panic condition is an overwhelming combination of physical and psychological distress. The severity of the symptoms during a panic attack might make people believe they are having a heart attack or another serious illness.
Persistent and overwhelming dread of a certain thing, circumstance, or activity is characteristic of a specific phobia. While patients know their fears are excessive, they are unable to overcome them. Those fears cause so much distress that some people will go to extreme lengths to avoid them.
Having agoraphobia means not being able to escape awkward or embarrassing situations, or not being able to seek help. There is a tendency for the fear to be out of proportion to the actual situation, lasts for six months or more, and causes problems with functionality.
Extreme anxiety and discomfort are experienced by those who suffer from social anxiety condition about the possibility of being embarrassed, humiliated, rejected, or judged in social situations. It is common for those affected to either avoid such situations or endure them with significant distress. There are problems with daily functioning in these cases and the fear or anxiety lasts for at least six months.
Anxiety treatment is available at Helyx Health. For more information, contact us or schedule an appointment online. We serve patients from San Francisco CA, Orange CA, Palo Alto CA, Menlo Park CA, Stanford CA, Santa Ana CA, Tustin CA, Oakland CA, Emeryville CA, and surrounding areas.

Additional Services You May Need

Additional Services You May Need
▸ Psychiatry
▸ Stress
▸ Depression
▸ Sleep
▸ Psychotherapy
▸ Burnout
▸ Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
▸ Couples Therapy
▸ Circadian Rhythm
▸ Insomnia
▸ Medication Management
▸ Mood Conditions
▸ Narcolepsy
▸ Parasomnia
▸ Relationship Counseling
▸ Sex Therapy
▸ Sleep Study
▸ Trauma
▸ Anxiety
▸ Family Counseling
▸ Telehealth
▸ Eating Disorders
▸ Neuropsychological Evaluations
▸ Autism Spectrum Condition
▸ Attention Treatment
▸ Psychological Evaluation
▸ Brain fog